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Program at a Glance

This four-year program leads to a BA (Hons) Liberal Arts degree accepted by all reputed Universities in India and abroad for post-graduate studies. Each year has two semesters. To graduate successfully, a student has to complete 7 Courses or 21 Academic Credits per Semester. One academic Credit represents about 15 hours of classroom work.

Foundation Year

In the first year, a student is introduced to all major areas of studies so that she can select her own "major” before the beginning of the second year with the knowledge of the kind of courses to expect. Each Major area has defined additional "Support” courses from other areas she must study.

Major Areas of Study

Credit Distribution

Each Major area offers

  • 14 Major Core Courses (42 Credits)
  • 6 Major Support Courses (18 Credits)
  • Research Project in Year 4 (12 Credits)

Thus adding to 72 Credits in the Area.

In addition to her choice of a Major, a student can take a "Minor” in any other areas listed above. She must complete 18 Credits to get the Minor awarded to her.


The School also offers courses called "Enablers” that include courses that the New Education Policy (NEP) describes as "ability/skill enhancement,” "value-added,” or "co-curricular” courses. "Enablers” also include courses designed for personality development.

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Students are expected to complete a "Work Immersion Program” or "Internship” during the 4-year program. The Internship Cell, consisting of faculty and students, actively helps students find suitable internship opportunities in private and public organizations. A Faculty Mentor monitors the progress of the internship.

Independent Research Project

A student conceives and completes an Independent Research Project (IRP) in Year 4 on a theme connected with the area of her Major or the broad area where she is seeking a career using all the learning at the school. A Faculty Mentor supervises the Study. If the Faculty Mentor advises, a student can also have a domain expert from industry as an "External Mentor.”

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